Mastering FastAPI Pagination: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Pass Query Params in Text Query for Pagination
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Mastering FastAPI Pagination: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Pass Query Params in Text Query for Pagination

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As a developer, you’re likely no stranger to the challenges of pagination in APIs. FastAPI, a popular Python framework, offers a robust pagination system, but navigating its intricacies can be daunting. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of FastAPI pagination, focusing on the crucial aspect of passing query params in text query for pagination. Buckle up, and let’s dive in!

The Importance of Pagination in FastAPI

Pagination is an essential feature in APIs, allowing clients to retrieve and process large datasets in manageable chunks. It’s vital for performance, scalability, and user experience. Without pagination, your API might become overwhelmed, leading to slow responses, timeouts, or even crashes. FastAPI provides an efficient pagination system, but it requires careful configuration to work seamlessly.

Understanding FastAPI’s Pagination System

FastAPI’s pagination system relies on the `Paginate` class, which handles the heavy lifting for you. However, it’s essential to understand how to pass query params in text query for pagination to fully leverage its capabilities.

The `Paginate` Class: A Brief Overview

The `Paginate` class is a part of FastAPI’s `fastapi_pagination` library. It provides a standardized way to pagination, allowing you to define how your API should paginate responses. You can customize the `Paginate` class to suit your needs, but for now, let’s focus on passing query params in text query for pagination.

Passing Query Params in Text Query for Pagination

To pass query params in text query for pagination, you’ll need to use the `params` parameter in your endpoint definition. This parameter allows you to specify the query string parameters that will be used for pagination. Let’s explore an example:

from fastapi import FastAPI, Query

app = FastAPI()

async def read_items(q: str = Query("fixedquery", min_length=3)):
    results = {"items": [{"id": "foo"}, {"id": "bar"}]}
    return results

In this example, we define an endpoint `/items/` that accepts a query string parameter `q`. The `Query` parameter is used to specify the default value, minimum length, and other settings for the `q` parameter.

Using the `params` Parameter for Pagination

Now, let’s modify the example to incorporate pagination using the `params` parameter:

from fastapi import FastAPI, Query, params

app = FastAPI()

async def read_items(q: str = Query("fixedquery", min_length=3), limit: int = params.Query(10, gt=0), offset: int = params.Query(0, ge=0)):
    results = {"items": [{"id": "foo"}, {"id": "bar"}]}
    return results

In this updated example, we add two new query string parameters: `limit` and `offset`. The `limit` parameter specifies the maximum number of items to return, and the `offset` parameter defines the starting point for the pagination. Both parameters use the `params` parameter to specify their default values and validation rules.

Configuring Pagination in FastAPI

To enable pagination in FastAPI, you need to configure the `Pagination` class. Let’s create a custom pagination configuration:

from fastapi_pagination import PaginationParams
from fastapi_pagination.bases import AbstractPage, AbstractParams

class CustomPaginationParams(PaginationParams):
    limit: int = 10
    offset: int = 0

class CustomPage(AbstractPage):
    def total(self):
        return 100  # total number of items

    def has_next(self):
        return self.offset + self.limit <

    def has_prev(self):
        return self.offset > 0

async def read_items(q: str = Query("fixedquery", min_length=3), pagination: CustomPaginationParams = Depends()):
    results = {"items": [{"id": "foo"}, {"id": "bar"}]}
    page = CustomPage.create(pagination, results)
    return page

In this example, we define a custom pagination configuration using the `CustomPaginationParams` class. This class specifies the default values for `limit` and `offset`. We also create a `CustomPage` class, which defines the pagination logic, including the total number of items, and whether there are more items to fetch.

Putting it all Together: A Complete Example

Let’s combine the concepts we’ve covered so far to create a complete example:

from fastapi import FastAPI, Query, Depends
from fastapi_pagination import PaginationParams, paginate
from fastapi_pagination.bases import AbstractPage, AbstractParams

app = FastAPI()

class CustomPaginationParams(PaginationParams):
    limit: int = 10
    offset: int = 0

class CustomPage(AbstractPage):
    def total(self):
        return 100  # total number of items

    def has_next(self):
        return self.offset + self.limit <

    def has_prev(self):
        return self.offset > 0

async def read_items(q: str = Query("fixedquery", min_length=3), pagination: CustomPaginationParams = Depends()):
    items = [{"id": "foo"}, {"id": "bar"}]  # assume this is a database query
    page = paginate(items, pagination)
    return page

This example demonstrates how to pass query params in text query for pagination in FastAPI. We define a custom pagination configuration, use the `params` parameter to specify query string parameters, and leverage the `paginate` function to generate pagination metadata.


In this article, we’ve explored the intricacies of passing query params in text query for pagination in FastAPI. By understanding how to configure pagination using the `Paginate` class, `params` parameter, and custom pagination configurations, you can create robust and scalable APIs that efficiently handle large datasets. Remember to keep your pagination logic organized, and don’t hesitate to experiment with different approaches to find the best fit for your use case.

Query Param Description Default Value
q Search query parameter fixedquery
limit Maximum number of items to return 10
offset Starting point for pagination 0

This table summarizes the query parameters used in our example, along with their descriptions and default values. By using these parameters, you can customize your pagination logic to meet the specific needs of your API.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I customize the pagination metadata in FastAPI?

    You can customize the pagination metadata by creating a custom pagination configuration using the `PaginationParams` class. This allows you to specify the default values and validation rules for your pagination parameters.

  2. Can I use the same pagination configuration for multiple endpoints?

    Yes, you can use the same pagination configuration for multiple endpoints by defining a global pagination configuration using the `PaginationParams` class. This allows you to reuse the same pagination logic across multiple endpoints.

  3. How do I handle errors and exceptions in pagination?

    You can handle errors and exceptions in pagination by using try-except blocks to catch and handle specific exceptions. Additionally, you can use FastAPI’s built-in error handling mechanisms, such as error codes and error messages, to provide a robust error handling system.

By mastering the art of passing query params in text query for pagination in FastAPI, you can create scalable and efficient APIs that delight your users. Remember to stay organized, experiment with different approaches, and keep your pagination logic flexible and adaptable to meet the evolving needs of your API.

This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to pass query params in text query for pagination in FastAPI. By following the instructions and examples provided, you can create robust and scalable APIs that efficiently handle large datasets.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to master the art of passing query params in text query for pagination in FastAPI paginate with these frequently asked questions!

How do I pass query params in a text query for pagination in FastAPI paginate?

To pass query params in a text query for pagination in FastAPI paginate, you can use the `params` parameter in your endpoint definition. For example, `@app.get(“/items/”) async def read_items(q: str = “”, params: dict = Depends()):`. Then, you can access the query params using the `params` dictionary.

What is the difference between `params` and `request.query_params` in FastAPI?

While both `params` and `request.query_params` can be used to access query params, `params` is a shortcut to access query params as a dictionary, whereas `request.query_params` returns a `RequestQueryParams` object. `params` is more convenient to use, but `request.query_params` provides more advanced features, such as parsing query params as arrays or objects.

Can I use query parameters to filter results in FastAPI paginate?

Absolutely! You can use query parameters to filter results in FastAPI paginate by passing the filter criteria as query params. For example, `@app.get(“/items/”) async def read_items(q: str = “”, category: str = “”, params: dict = Depends()):`. Then, you can use the query params to filter the results in your database query.

How do I handle pagination in FastAPI with query parameters?

To handle pagination in FastAPI with query parameters, you can use the `Limit` and `Offset` parameters to control the pagination. For example, `@app.get(“/items/”) async def read_items(q: str = “”, limit: int = 10, offset: int = 0, params: dict = Depends()):`. Then, you can use these parameters to paginate your database query.

Can I use FastAPI’s built-in support for pagination with query parameters?

Yes, FastAPI provides built-in support for pagination using query parameters. You can use the `FastAPIPagination` class to define a pagination scheme and pass the query parameters as part of the request. For example, `from fastapi_pagination import FastAPIPagination` and then `pagination = FastAPIPagination()`. This allows you to easily paginate your API responses using query parameters like `limit` and `offset`.

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