Axios: Setting rejectUnauthorized to false using httpsAgent to ignore SSL issues doesn’t work with POST requests?
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Axios: Setting rejectUnauthorized to false using httpsAgent to ignore SSL issues doesn’t work with POST requests?

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Hey there, fellow developers! If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve stumbled upon a frustrating issue with Axios and SSL certificates. You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the problem, explore the reasons behind it, and provide a solution that’ll get you back to coding in no time.

The Problem: Axios and SSL Certificates

When making HTTPS requests using Axios, you might encounter SSL certificate verification issues. This can happen when the server’s SSL certificate is self-signed, expired, or otherwise invalid. To bypass these issues, you might try setting `rejectUnauthorized` to `false` using an `httpsAgent`. However, you’ll soon realize that this approach doesn’t work as expected with POST requests.

Why doesn’t it work with POST requests?

The reason lies in how Axios handles POST requests. When sending a POST request, Axios uses a different internal mechanism than GET requests. This internal mechanism doesn’t respect the `rejectUnauthorized` option set through the `httpsAgent`. As a result, Axios will still throw an error when encountering SSL certificate issues, even if you’ve set `rejectUnauthorized` to `false`.

Understanding the `rejectUnauthorized` option

The `rejectUnauthorized` option is a part of the `httpsAgent` options in Axios. When set to `false`, it tells Axios to ignore SSL certificate verification errors. This can be useful in development environments or when working with self-signed certificates. However, keep in mind that disabling SSL certificate verification can compromise the security of your application.

const axios = require('axios');
const https = require('https');

const agent = new https.Agent({
  rejectUnauthorized: false,

  httpsAgent: agent,

Solution: Using a custom SSL certificate validation

Rather than relying on the `rejectUnauthorized` option, you can implement a custom SSL certificate validation mechanism using the `checkServerIdentity` option. This option allows you to specify a function that will be called to validate the server’s SSL certificate.

const axios = require('axios');
const tls = require('tls');

const customValidator = (hostname, cert) => {
  // Custom SSL certificate validation logic goes here
  // For demonstration purposes, we'll simply return true
  return true;

const agent = new tls.ssl.createSecureContext({
  checkServerIdentity: customValidator,

  httpsAgent: new https.Agent({ agent }),

Customizing the SSL certificate validation

In the example above, we’ve provided a basic implementation of the `customValidator` function. You can customize this function to fit your specific needs. For instance, you might want to:

  • Check the certificate’s subject alternative names (SANs)
  • Verify the certificate’s expiration date
  • Check the certificate’s chain of trust

Here’s an example of a more comprehensive `customValidator` function:

const customValidator = (hostname, cert) => {
  const errs = tls.checkServerIdentity(hostname, cert);
  if (errs && errs.length > 0) {
    return false;

  const validAfter = new Date(cert.valid_from);
  const validBefore = new Date(cert.valid_to);

  if (validAfter > new Date() || validBefore < new Date()) {
    return false;

  // Additional validation logic can be added here

  return true;

Best Practices for SSL Certificate Validation

When implementing custom SSL certificate validation, it's essential to follow best practices to ensure the security of your application:

  • Validate the certificate's chain of trust: Make sure the certificate is signed by a trusted certificate authority (CA).
  • Check the certificate's expiration date: Verify that the certificate is not expired or revoked.
  • Verify the certificate's subject alternative names (SANs): Ensure the certificate's SANs match the expected hostname or domain.
  • Use a secure protocol: Use TLS 1.2 or newer to ensure the most secure connection.


In this article, we've explored the issue of Axios and SSL certificates, specifically when setting `rejectUnauthorized` to `false` using an `httpsAgent` doesn't work with POST requests. We've also discussed the importance of customizing SSL certificate validation to ensure the security of your application.

By implementing a custom SSL certificate validation mechanism using the `checkServerIdentity` option, you can effectively bypass SSL certificate verification errors while maintaining the security of your application. Remember to follow best practices for SSL certificate validation to ensure the integrity of your application.

Option Description
rejectUnauthorized Disables SSL certificate verification (not recommended)
checkServerIdentity Customizes SSL certificate validation using a function

Happy coding, and don't let SSL certificate issues hold you back!

Frequently Asked Question

Axios is a popular JavaScript library for making HTTP requests, but did you know that setting rejectUnauthorized to false using httpsAgent doesn't work with POST requests? Let's dive into some FAQs to understand why!

Why does setting rejectUnauthorized to false not work with POST requests?

When you set rejectUnauthorized to false, Axios allows the request to continue even if the SSL certificate is invalid or self-signed. However, when making a POST request, Axios uses a different agent (http.Agent) that doesn't respect the rejectUnauthorized option. This means that the POST request will still fail if the SSL certificate is invalid, even if you've set rejectUnauthorized to false.

How can I ignore SSL issues for POST requests using Axios?

To ignore SSL issues for POST requests, you can create a custom httpsAgent with the rejectUnauthorized option set to false, and then pass it to the Axios instance. You can do this by creating an instance of the httpsAgent class with the rejectUnauthorized option set to false, and then passing it to the Axios.create() method when creating a new Axios instance.

Is it safe to set rejectUnauthorized to false?

Setting rejectUnauthorized to false can be a security risk, as it allows your application to communicate with servers that have invalid or self-signed SSL certificates. This can make your application vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. Therefore, it's recommended to only use this option in development or testing environments, and never in production.

Can I set rejectUnauthorized to false globally for all Axios requests?

Yes, you can set rejectUnauthorized to false globally for all Axios requests by creating a custom Axios instance with the rejectUnauthorized option set to false, and then using that instance for all your requests. Alternatively, you can also set the rejectUnauthorized option to false on the Axios default agent, but this will only work for GET requests.

Are there any alternative ways to ignore SSL issues with Axios?

Yes, instead of setting rejectUnauthorized to false, you can use the NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED environment variable to disable SSL certificate validation for all Node.js applications. Alternatively, you can also use a library like tls-reject-unauthorized to disable SSL certificate validation for specific requests.

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